What is Phones for Families?
Phones for Families provides free, basic home telephone service to families who have children attending a Lakehead Public School Board and/or a Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board school and who are unable to connect or maintain service on their own.
Why does my family need a telephone?
Having a telephone allows you to have open communication with your child’s school. It also helps to connect you to all programs and services in Thunder Bay, including 911 emergency services and 211 non-emergency services.
How will this project benefit my family?
It will:
- Provide better contact between the school and your home
- Allow you to call emergency services by dialing 911
- Allow you to call non-emergency services by dialing 211
How do I apply for the program?
Request an application package from your child’s school, then complete and return with all required supporting documentation. The school will forward your application to the Lakehead Social Planning Council (LSPC) for review and connection, and all follow up correspondence will be sent home with your child.
Please note completed applications cannot be delivered to LSPC; they must be sent by your child’s school
If I’m approved, what will be provided?
Phones for Families provides basic home telephone service with voicemail, but not add-on features such as call waiting or caller ID. 411 calls, collect calls and calling long distance and 900 numbers will be blocked as well. Telephones will be provided as necessary.
How long will I be eligible to receive service through the Program?
Phones for Families recipients will continue to receive service as long as program eligibility criteria are met. This includes having children attending a school in one of the participating school boards, and all other requirements as outlined in the Program Service Agreement. Service is also contingent on Program funding.
Will I be able to connect internet or television services?
No. The Phones for Families Program is intended to provide services to those who are unable to connect or maintain services on their own. The Program does not allow for additional services to be “bundled” and applicants wishing to connect television and/or internet must disconnect their telephone through the Program before these services can be connected.
Phones for Families is a partnership of the following:
- District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board
- Lakehead Public School Board
- Lakehead Social Planning Council – 211 North
- Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board
- United Way of Thunder Bay